
Voice in Legco
Voice in Legco

Formulate Diversified Investment Strategies to Leverage Government’s Non-Financial Assets

Faced with a fiscal deficit of over a hundred billion dollars and a decline in government fiscal reserves, the Government needs to manage its non-financial assets more comprehensively and proactively.


Hong Kong and Shenzhen are like “twin cities”, working together to develop the Greater Bay Area to facilitate “internal circulation” and “dual circulation” in support of the country’s strategic initiative.


The chance of resuming visitor traffic on a meaningful scale in the last quarter seems remote.


Hong Kong is duty-bound to apply the National Anthem Law, and the national anthem should undoubtedly be respected.


The vast majority of Hong Kong residents wholeheartedly wish to see social order restored and the police return to fighting crime, and as extra personnel and equipment would protect lives and property, such proposals deserve support.


Businesses that are able to take some respite having received funding from the first round of the Anti-epidemic Fund should keep their employees and not lay off any of them.


As the epidemic is striking home from abroad, it is expected to wreak even greater economic and social damage. The HKSAR Government should make more financial preparations to stave off the bitter economic winter during the spring and summer months.


Society’s ability to overcome the assault of this virus and get back on track depends on everyone keeping calm and people at all levels working together.


While claiming to want to find out the truth, the opposition lawmakers had predetermined stance and passed judgement without trial, showing an extremely childish and irresponsible attitude.


Faced with severe shortages of land and housing, the government needs to increase efficiency and expedite the implementation of the relevant measures in the Policy Address.


Instead of piecemeal amendments to the tax regulations, the Government should use the opportunity to take a fresh look at the current tax regime and formulate a set of institutional and structural improvements.