
Voice in Legco
Voice in Legco

Actively Building Hong Kong into an International Education Hub

In addition to drawing top international talents, Hong Kong should also concentrate on nurturing local talents and attracting more overseas students. It should actively develop into an international education hub to support the country’s educational development objectives.


The number of child abuse cases in Hong Kong has remained high perennially. The reported cases might represent just the tip of the iceberg, underscoring the urgency of not postponing child protection efforts any further.


The COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical shifts have compelled companies to alter their conventional supply chain models


“New quality productive forces” (NQPF) is undoubtedly the keyword that garnered the most attention at the country’s Two Sessions this year. Characterized by innovation and anchored in high quality, NQPF are advanced productivity in essence.


Faced with a fiscal deficit of over a hundred billion dollars and a decline in government fiscal reserves, the Government needs to manage its non-financial assets more comprehensively and proactively.


The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO) was passed after the third reading at the Legislative Council on 19 March and officially came into effect on 23 March. Together with the National Security Law and the 5.28 Decision of the National People’s Congress, the SNSO build up an effective shield for safeguarding national security.


The report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC stated to develop the marine economy. Hong Kong, which is located in China’s southern marine economic circle and serves as a key node of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, should leverage its advantages to actively participate in and promote the development of our country’s marine economy.


Combating cyber fraud crimes on all fronts is crucial to promoting digital economy and smart city development.


The Government must remain result-oriented to expand development capacity, strengthen development momentum, speed up the recovery process, and inject vitality into the economy.


The sustainability of public finance is an important foundation for the stable and prosperous development of Hong Kong’s society and economy. Hong Kong needs the Government to have sufficient financial strength to withstand risks to ensure the stability of its economy and financial system.


Reorganizing the Council of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (“CUHK”) is necessary, urgent and legitimate. The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) passed The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill 2023 on the third reading on November 1, which is an important step towards improving the university’s governance and enhancing its efficiency of governance.