
Voice in Legco
Voice in Legco

Formulate Diversified Investment Strategies to Leverage Government’s Non-Financial Assets

Faced with a fiscal deficit of over a hundred billion dollars and a decline in government fiscal reserves, the Government needs to manage its non-financial assets more comprehensively and proactively.


I look forward to Hong Kong establishing high-quality vocational and professional education and training (VPET) to help students fully develop their unique abilities, and boost the diversification and competitiveness of Hong Kong’s economy in the long run.


President Xi has given a clear direction for Hong Kong to start progressing from disarray to good governance over the next five years. I agree that it is necessary to realize “patriots administering Hong Kong” in order to implement “One Country, Two Systems” and start a new chapter for good governance.


The series of tragic child abuse cases uncovered in Hong Kong are a wake-up call to every sector of our society that children’s welfare must not be overlooked.


Tackling the challenges head on, the Government should accurately address the housing needs of the people and the need for land for economic development, with due consideration to fairness.


Hong Kong must effectively increase the vaccination rates for its elderly and children, study and source new vaccines, prepare adequate isolation and treatment facilities


Hong Kong and concerns the direction of public opinions and development prospects.


the Government must show political courage and determination to resolutely formulate and implement policies in order to truly build a bright future for Hong Kong.


Climate change and energy issues are today’s prominent global challenges that concern the common interests of humanity and the future of planet Earth.


Hong Kong’s interdependence with the motherland means that China’s “dual circulation” strategy has far-reaching implications for it. Hong Kong should seize the opportunity to fully leverage its unique strengths under “One Country, Two Systems” to actively integrate into the country’s new development paradigm in the new situation.


Economic growth has been slow for Hong Kong over the past decade. The crux of the matter had originated from our lackluster traditional pillar industries and an excessively unitary economic structure. The HKSAR government should adopt a broader and farther vision